Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Tulisan 4 ( Softskill )

Yogyakarta City's

Yogyakarta is the second city in Bali that often visited by tourists. Yogyakarta is a city that has an abundance of charm in Indonesia, Yogyakarta is probably the favorite city to visit foreign tourists after Bali. I think Yogyakarta is a very beautiful city and can give a lot of memories, one of the most bersajarah in Indonesia, the province where else has the privilege to be called a Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY)

No wonder there is also a song called "Yogyakarta" as a dedication to this city, in addition to having a long history and attractions that can be visited, Yogya is one of the city's culinary riches store, so ya it feels really cool if this culinary tour in Yogya . certainly not a regional food resto, so more traditional and populist. This is precisely what gives a delightful culinary experience.

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